1.His parents already doubted Angel's religious belief, so they were almost relieved to hear this of his future wife.
2.He made an extensive list setting down the pros and cons of marriage before he proposed to his future wife.
3.Famously, he successfully courted his future wife, Michelle, by taking her to an organizing training session in a church basement.
4.As a labor leader, he made many valuable career connections and met his future wife, animator Akemi Ot.
5.It seems incredible, but a voice from somewhere, very clear, was telling me I was looking at my future wife.
6.No, it was fear that his future wife might reject him "in the first five minutes. "
7.After thanking Geralt, he and his future wife are surprised with the news that Pavetta is pregnant, and Duny is soon to be a father.
8.To return for the wedding of his sister and to show his own future wife to them, the washed-out rag of an American girl.
9.Come on, wouldn't it be the coolest story ever if the slutty pumpkin turned out to be my future wife?
10.Fermi met his future wife while she was a science student at the university.